This post is my contribution to my friend Yuucanium‘s Country Bear Advent Calendar. Be sure to check it out to see some fantastic Country Bear Jamboree content.
Phone cards were a big part of the culture in the 80s and 90s, not only in the US, but also around the world and especially in Japan. Anyone who hunts down vintage Tokyo Disneyland has no doubt come across dozens, if not hundreds phone cards that commemorate anything from new rides in the park, to parades, character birthdays, or anything else Disney-related. Thankfully Country Bear Jamboree got a bunch of phone cards, some with exclusive art.

Today we’re taking a look at this phone card commemorating Country Bear Jungle Bell Jamboree, aka Country Bear Christmas Special as it was known as in Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Here’s a look at the card in its nicely theme holder.

Here’s the card itself. I love this art so much. Look at Oscar pulling his beloved little bear along on the sleigh.

Finally we have the back of the card holder with a fantastic Country Bear Theater logo.
I hope you enjoy this post Yuucanium‘s Country Bear Advent Calendar for more CBJ posts from other creators.